Sunday, December 19, 2010

BJJ United Team Day

On Saturday December 18, JoJo led thirteen members of our team down to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu United in Jenkintown, PA for the BJJ United Team Day. In addition to eleven highly regarded Black Belts, there were over one-hundred, probably closer to one-hundred and fifty students from various schools in attendance.

Between a great promotions ceremony, followed by an awards ceremony for all of the Black Belts in attendance, I was truly happy that I’d made sure I’d made it to this session.

As the Black Belt certificates were given out, BJJ United Founder Jared Weiner gave each recipient the chance to speak. As I student I was moved. As a blogger/reporter I wish I’d had my recorder with me.

Nevertheless, my thoughts when we actually got to the training and, hopefully, some of the thoughts from the Black Belts will be appearing in the near future.

My sole purpose in putting up this quick little blog is to congratulate the ECUBJJ students who were lucky enough to receive their promotions at such a HUGE ceremony/training session:

Daniel Cion – Blue Belt
Freddy Medina – Purple Belt

I promise that I have a lot more to say about such a great Saturday, and will include the rest of the promotions from TEAM DAY as soon as I receive them.

Finally, I’d like to thank Mitch, Tom and Aldo for some great training. Somehow, you guys all brought out the best in me.

Thanks again for reading the ECU BJJ and MMA blog. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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